Monday, October 19, 2009


How did 3 years pass without a blog entry? Oh, yeah... he's sitting in the living room right now, watching "Wow Wow Wubbzy"

Since our last episode, the family moved to a new abode. Settling in has been a process, and there is still more fixing up to do, but we are making progress. The house was a foreclosure, and was therefore slightly neglected while empty. We have had the interior and exterior cleaned and painted, cleaned up the yard, and started dreaming about renovations. Priority number 1 is a new master bath; sharing with the small humans is OK for now but I expect it will become tiresome in the short haul. Any suggestions for bathroom "must-haves" are greatly appreciated. All suggestions must be cleared by the management (me) before implementation, however.

Hope to give you all some tasty goodies to ogle in the coming months. Ciao!